Advertising and Sponsorship Opportunities with Marlboro Conference, Event and Entertainment Management
Thank you for your interest in sponsoring or advertising with Marlboro Promotions Ltd.
Why Should You Advertise or Sponsor Marlboro Conference, Event and Entertainment Management?
If you are a business owner who provides a product or service to the Event and Entertainment industry and you want to enhance your website or brand awareness, sponsorship is right for you.
Marlboro Conference, Event and Entertainment Management have a number of websites that rank well in search engines for Conference, Event and Entertainment management and planning, Cork, Munster Ireland.
These websites attract people who are interested in:
- Gala Dinners, their Planning and Management
- Corporate Event Planning and Management
- Parties, Entertainment and Catering
- Conferences
- Exhibitions
- Award Ceremonies & Dinners
- Marquee Events
- Company Family Events
- Product & Showroom Launches
- Shows and Special Occasions
- VIP Nights
- Themed Nights
- Weddings
- Presentations
If you target your products or services to an audience interested in any of the above or related topics, a sponsorship campaign may work well for you.
Sign Up To My Sponsors-Only Email Newsletter
To stay up to date and be the first to find out when new sponsorship opportunities become available on our websites, please subscribe to our sponsors newsletter.
Enter Your First Name and Email
We respect your privacy: 100% Spam Free. Your email address will not be shared and you can unsubscribe anytime.
All prices below are in Euro. Payment is via PayPal.com. You can use your PayPal balance or your credit card. You do not need a PayPal account to make payments via credit card.
The first three order links for Promotional Packages 1, 2 and 3 create a monthly subscription in Paypal to ensure you lock in your campaign. If you wish to cancel a campaign at any time you may contact Marlboro Promotions Ltd or cancel your subscription manually at PayPal.com
Promotional Package 1 – The Text Link Package
Cost: €27 Per Month
What you get:
1 site-wide text link in the shared location on the right side bar (Zone Position 1a) and a permanent text link in the footer under the “Featured Sites” heading (Zone Position 1b).
Contact Marlboro Conference, Event and Entertainment Management Cork Ireland Tel: 021 4890600 for information on positions currently available.
Note: All text links placed on the website have the “no follow” tag applied.
This package includes one text based link on every single page of a selected website including the main front page. Your link is placed under the “Featured Sites” area in the footer and added to the shared location on the right side bar. You provide the anchor text and link URL and may change your link any time.
Order Now by contacting Marlboro Promotions Ltd using the form on this page.
Promotional Package 2 – 125 x 125 Prime Box Banner
Cost: €47 Per Month
What you get:
Your 125 x 125 box banner in the top right primary position (Zone Position 2)
Contact Marlboro Event and Entertainment Management Cork Ireland Tel: 021 4890600 for information on positions currently available. (Note: We do not accept Ad Swaps.)
Your campaign is placed on all pages including the homepage, in the right top column prime sponsor area.
You will need to supply your own 125 x 125 pixel banner. JPEG or GIF are accepted, no animation is permitted and please keep file size low. You may change your banner at any time. Instructions for submitting your banner are below.
Order Now by contacting Marlboro Promotions Ltd using the form on this page.
Promotional Package 3 – The Standard Banner Package
Cost: €57 Per Month
What you get:
Your banner in the 250 x 250 zone 3 banner position and/or 468 x 60 zone 4 banner position and/or 728 x 90 zone 5 banner position.
Contact Marlboro Conference, Event and Entertainment Management Cork Ireland Tel: 021 4890600 for information on banner advertisement positions currently available. (Note: We do not accept Ad Swaps.)
Your campaign is placed on all pages in one of three banner positions (Zone Positions 3, 4 and 5). Every visitor to any of the Marlboro Promotions Ltd Websites will be exposed to your campaign multiple times in different advertisement formats.
You will need to supply your own 250 x 250 square banner a 468 x 60 standard banner and a 728 x 90 leaderboard banner. Please keep file size low. You may change banners at any time. Instructions for submitting your banners are below.
Order Now by contacting Marlboro Promotions Ltd using the form on this page.
Package 4 – The Complete Package
Note: Price below are for a SIX-MONTH contract
Cost: €567
What you get:
All three packages above for six months
Contact Marlboro Conference, Event and Entertainment Management Cork Ireland Tel: 021 4890600 for information on positions currently available. (Note: We do not accept Ad Swaps.)
Your campaign is placed on a selected website in all banner positions and text link positions. Every visitor to Marlboro Promotions Ltd websites will be exposed to your campaign multiple times in different advertisement formats.
You will need to supply your own banners. Some animation is permitted and please keep file size low. You may change banners at any time. Instructions for submitting your banners are below.
Order Now by contacting Marlboro Promotions Ltd using the form on this page.
Submit Your Media
After making payment please send through links to your banners (host them on your server), text link anchor text and URL(s) to link to –
Email Marlboro Promotions Ltd at:
Terms and conditions apply. Marlboro Promotions Ltd reserve the right to either accept, refuse, or terminate any advertisement not in keeping with Marlboro Conference, Event and Entertainment Management Terms and Conditions.
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